21UPRT.ZIP 107,493 04-25-94 Version4.4 - REXX PM Program To Print 2UP InLandscape Or 1UP In Portrait Mode On LaserPrinters Using PPDS, PCL Or PostScriptCommands. Suppresses Multiple Blank Lines AndPage Ejects. Also
3DWARP.ZIP 435,882 05-19-95 3D logo for Warp desktop 10248x16.7.
3DWIN95_.ZIP 3,941 05-28-95 Windows95 style 3D pointers.
4OS2251.ZIP 543,046 08-22-95 4OS2 2.51 <ASP> - The award-winning CMD.EXEreplacement for OS/2 1.x, 2.x, and Warp.Offers command enhancements, over 50 newcommands, dozens of other unique command-linetools. For optional reference manual see
525_V211.ZIP 142,781 07-18-95 FIVE TO FIVE Version 2.11, converts varioussound formats.
ACTUARY.ZIP 277,749 09-18-95 ACTUARIAL MODELER FOR OS/2 WARP An actuarialprogram for valuing many types of annuitiesand pension benefits, including immediate anddeferred
ADDRW101.ZIP 85,216 08-11-95 AdeptDraw! v1.01 ASCII Drawer that usesAdeptXBBS Color Codes! Included, AdeptGrabwhich can convert your present ANSI screensto Adept Color Codes. Also Includes, Typeadp,types Adept Color Files at the Command
Prompt. An Adept Sysop Must!
ADEPT104.ZIP 1397,164 09-02-95 AdeptXBBS v1.04pr AdeptXBBS 32-bit OS/2multi-user, multi-threaded, multi-line, PMBBS for OS/2 v2.x, and v3. AdeptXBBS requiresHPFS, and will not install on a FAT baseddrive. AdeptXBBS includes and full BBS, a
Fidonet Capable Mailer, and Fidonet messagebase utilities.
ADEPT97D.ZIP 1394,464 06-15-95 AdeptXBBS 32-bit OS/2 multi-user,multi-threaded, multi-line, PM BBS for OS/2v2.x, and v3. AdeptXBBS requires HPFS, andwill not install on a FAT based drive.AdeptXBBS includes and full BBS, a Fidonet
Capable Mailer, and Fidonet message baseutilities. This is v0.97d Wide Beta
AFE252.ZIP 507,588 08-12-95 AFE version 2.52 - ARCHIVE FRONT END OS/22.1x, Warp PM archive utility program whichprovides a visual front end for the creation,updating, unarchiving, virus scanning,viewing, printing and deleting of ZIP, LZH,
ZOO and ARJ files. Supports running ofinternal archive executables.
ALBT171.ZIP 568,415 06-14-95 Albatros CD PLAYER for OS/2 MMPM/2 version1.70 Fully programmable, fully configurableremembers disks and tracknames 400 songsalready entered ..
ALNCH100.ZIP 261,326 05-19-95 Auto launch v1.0 for Warp. Maintains adatabase of launches.
ANGB2772.ZIP 394,317 07-16-95 This is a ready-to-run OS/2 port of Angband2.7.7v3 made with EMX 0.9a.
ANIMATE.ZIP 5,170 05-15-95 Change animation in Web Explorer, includes BM
ANLOG144.ZIP 8,806 06-05-95 This program will compute the time you spenton-line with IBM OS/2's IAK, based on theTCP/IP log file. Freeware. Supports dialerversions up to 1.44.
AOS2ACSD.ZIP 1,917 09-25-95 README for APL2 for OS/2 Advanced EditionCorrective Services APL2/2 CSD.
AOS2ECSD.ZIP 1,792 09-25-95 README for APL2 for OS/2 Entry EditionCorrective Services APL2/2 CSD.
APACHE65.ZIP 504,726 07-25-95 Apache beta 0.6.5 is an HTTP server designedas a plug-in replacement for the NCSA serverversion 1.3 (or 1.4).
ARIA16.ZIP 120,053 06-29-95 Prometheus Audio Device Driver (ARIA16)Aptiva Installation. Aria16 audio devicedrivers for OS/2 on an IBM Aptiva.
ATIBEM4.ZIP 37,092 08-14-95 Doctor Bob's Guide to Offline Internet Access
AXEPTR.ZIP 5,149 08-29-95 Axe Pointer for OS/2
BANOS2.ZIP 27,711 08-13-95 Banner - Mr Antonino Iannella An OS/2freeware version of the UNIX banner c Mayrequire the EMX runtime library, and OS/2
BIBLE_07.ZIP 2485,884 07-01-95 CODEX Bible Concordance for OS/2 Warp v 0.7Features multiple synchronized Bible windowsin an MDI environment, fast phrase and log-ical search engine with powerful boolean op-
erators. This file includes the complete KJVBible as well. Fully functional shareware.
BIDIHPUS.ZIP 1725,345 05-05-95 BIDIHPUS version 1.0 OS/2 PrinterPak for HPPrinters.
BIDILXUS.ZIP 1833,261 05-05-95 BIDILXUS version 1.0 OS/2 PrinterPak forLexmark Printers
BIRTHDAY.ZIP 68,155 08-26-95 PM Based Birthday Notifier v1.0 for StartupFolder
BLACK093.ZIP 63,246 06-01-95 Blackout v0.93. Screen saver intended for usewith monitors that do have DPMS, or "greensupport".
BLANKR54.ZIP 847,333 08-22-95 Blanker 5.4 - multimedia screen saver forOS/2 with five functions 1) screen saving:external modules, DPMS, password, hotcorners, full screen blankin 2) screencapturing, saving and printing 3) information
window: displays time, date, free memory,disk space, swap size 4) launch keys: openWPS objects with a key 5) alarms: message andtask scheduling
BLT2_203.ZIP 358,432 09-09-95 Bullet/2 2.030: thread-safe, multi- processcapable database engine toolkit for OS/2.Provides pre-built and tested access methodsto data and index files for applicationprogrammers. Compact, efficient, and very
fast. Can be configured to use customkey-build, user sort-compare, and parser,dBASE data and memo files, or custom data.
BOC100.ZIP 9,107 07-30-95 Binkley/Xenia OUTBOUND Cleaner utility for OS
BOOTDUAL.ZIP 3,075 05-30-95 Boot Manager vs. Dual Boot from Cobb's Inside
BOOTMAN.ZIP 3,965 05-27-95 Boot manager setup tips and ideas a must readfor the newbie!
BOOTOS2.ZIP 87,482 08-03-95 The BOOTOS2 program is a utility that allowsyou to build a BOOTable OS/2 V2 or V3 systemusing an existing OS/2 V2 or V3 system.
BOXOS27A.ZIP 441,638 06-20-95 BOXER/OS2 Text Editor v7.0a: Top Rated! <ASP>"Best Major Application" winner at the 1994Shareware Industry Awards! Version 7.0 adds85+ features to what was already a featurepacked program. A favorite of many users,
BOXER gets consistently strong reviews. Easyto use with powerful features: color syntaxhighlighting, undo/redo, mouse support, S&R,column blocks, WP, macros, compilation, more!<ASP> Shareware $89 from David R. Hamel
BSDDEV.ZIP 62,821 12-04-94 BSD libraries (curses etc.) 23 of 38
BSDDOC.ZIP 84,074 11-16-94 documentation for BSD libraries 24 of 38
BSDSRC.ZIP 84,529 11-12-94 source for BSD libraries 25 of 38
BULLET20.ZIP 354,213 08-31-95 Bullet/2 2.020: thread-safe, multi-processcapable database engine toolkit for OS/2.Provides pre-built and tested access methodsto data and index files for applicationprogrammers. Compact, efficient, and very
fast. Can be configured to use customkey-build, user sort-compare, and parser,dBASE data and memo files, or custom data.
BYTES.ZIP 12,593 05-03-95 Graphical display of disk usage by directory
CAPTURE1.ZIP 12,760 05-06-95 Capture.exe is an os/2 text mode program for
CBTU101.ZIP 70,765 06-02-95 Clipboard Text Utility v1.01. Adds extrafeatures.
CCTDIAL.ZIP 6,827 06-09-95 CCTDial v1.1. Rexx script for IAK dialer.
CDBOX14.ZIP 73,442 05-21-95 (v1.4) CD in a Box OS/2 CD Player. This is anObject Oriented CD Player where tracks appearas icons in a folder and you use directediting to enter track and Title names. Addtracks to a Disc to create custom CD's and
many more features.
CDEXPL.ZIP 51,062 05-02-95 IBM EWS CD explorer will play, stop, eject,repeat, shuffle play, and otherwisemanipulate your OS/2 supported audio CDs.
CDEXPL25.ZIP 51,062 05-02-95 CD Explorer v2.5. Provides a killer userinterface to your CD player.
CERN_OS2.ZIP 384,495 07-23-95 cern httpd 3 OS/2-Version 1.01 (19.06.95)This is a quick (and perhaps dirty) port ofthe nice WWW-Server (and WWW-Library) by CERNto OS/2 2.x.
CFGINFO4.ZIP 563,256 06-04-95 Dated May 27, 1995 CNFGINFO.EXE Version 4.0CFGINFO4.ZIP is the version 4 of CNFGINFO.EXEan outstanding utility for learning about andoptimizing OS/2s config.sys file.
CHANGI09.ZIP 391,835 06-15-95 Changi v0.9 - NNTP server for OS/2. Offersyou to read/write USENET news offline usingwith favourite NNTP newsreader. Compatiblewith UUPC/Ex. Requires TCP/IP 1.x, 2.x orWARP IAK. Free cardware, source not included.
This is a bugfix version.
CHART.ZIP 408,374 07-12-95 The Developer's Business Graphics Toolkit isa toolkit to help application developersintegrate two- and three-dimensional businessgraphics into their application programs.
CHUMP1.ZIP 84,823 08-23-95 Chump 1.00 is shareware OS/2 Cyrillization pa
CIRWARP.ZIP 1334,917 05-23-95 Warp Cirrus Logic Video Drivers for 5426,28,3
CMPARE11.ZIP 17,021 05-14-95 File comparison utility. Will visuallycompare any 2 files, text or binary,regardless of file size differences. Writtenin VX-REXX 2.1; requires VROBJ.DLL which isincluded in CMPARR.ZIP but not in CMPARE.ZIP.
CON0695.ZIP 525,551 05-12-95 OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for June 1995 in INFformat suitable for use with the standardOS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE). Simply type:VIEW CON0695.INF See included README.TXT file
instructions. Newsletter includes the names,numbers, and addresses (including Internetand BBS') of key OS/2 contacts in theindustry, along with news and a calendar ofevents.
CON0795.ZIP 469,966 06-12-95 OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for July 1995 in INFformat suitable for use with the standardOS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE). Simply type:VIEW CON0795.INF See included README.TXT file
instructions. Newsletter includes the names,numbers, and addresses (including Internetand BBS') of key OS/2 contacts in theindustry, along with news and a calendar ofevents.
CONFED08.ZIP 119,335 06-20-95 PM config.sys Editor 0.8. CONFED08=FREEWARE.Features Multithreading, Buttonbar,Drag-n-drop, dedicated context sensitiveediting dialogs for config items,Presentation Param support etc. -==> See theuser list <==
CONNER.ZIP 17,477 05-03-95 Conner tape device driver V1.129 95/02/22 for
CPYIAK.ZIP 6,066 07-25-95 COPY-IAK v1.01 Small REXX script to duplicateSlipPM dialer entries (contained withinTCPOS2.INI.) Public Domain.
CRCDOS2.ZIP 18,794 06-02-95 CCD-OS2-01-ENG (Revision 1) CRCCD2.ADDVersion 2.01 CD ROM driver for OS/2 2.1 andWarp. Support Creative Panasonic CR52x/563,Creative CD200, Funai E2550-UA/E2800-UA.Please refer to the README.TXT for moreinformation.
CRONR202.ZIP 135,235 05-18-95 CronEdit v2.2. Visual editor for cron-files.
CVTADDR.ZIP 4,289 09-03-95 (v1.00) CVTADDR - OS/2 IAK Utility Simpleutility to convert LaMail/Ulti- Mail Liteaddress files to PMMail format. Requires OS/22.1+, REXX support installed. Includes sampleaddress files. Beats entering old addresses
DBMALLOC.ZIP 224,812 08-15-95 Cahill's drop-in replacement for malloc,memory, string, bstring 27 of 38
DFB17.ZIP 34,058 08-09-95 >>>>>>>> Data Flow Benchmark v1.7 <<<<<<<<Determines the cpu type, size and propertiesof cache, main memory and video adapter.Tests memory bandwitdh and data throughputbetween these components. OS/2 2+ required.
DHO_10B.ZIP 764,127 09-04-95 Developer Helper v1.0 C++ - GraphicalApplication Frame
DIAGPTR.ZIP 8,792 05-22-95 Collection of improved pointers for Warp.
DIARY11.ZIP 253,307 09-07-95 (v1.1) Exercise Diary for OS/2 Storesexercise activity by route. Performances canbe summarized by route or date. Stores andgraphs fitness data. Graphs performances.
DIVERACE.ZIP 115,542 08-28-95 DIVERACE an OS/2 Game Programming Example Alittle 3D Car-Driving game utilizing DIVE,Real-Time soundmixing, Joystick- support andPalette-Management. Written in Virtual PASCAL
with full sourcecode. Version 0.1 (very beta;-)
DIVESTUF.ZIP 6,889 04-19-95 Text info file on Direct Interface VideoExtensions, with programming example.
DMATEST.ZIP 25,659 05-30-95 OS/2 PCI/EIDE Bug testing program
DMPALPHA.ZIP 54,380 08-07-95 Dual Modplayer alpha release for OS/2
DRIFTOS2.ZIP 43,683 05-28-95 Drift v1.02b. Asteroids type game.
DRNKNBRD.ZIP 33,500 08-21-95 Custom animation for WebExplorer instead ofthe stock "3D cubes over grid". This one isthe "drinking bird" evaporation toy.
DSN5EA.ZIP 79,227 05-14-95 OS/2 Issue 5 of IBM SDO Developer supportnews.
DSTAT102.ZIP 22,570 02-04-95 Displays information about your disk drives.Report: Volume, filesystem, local/remote, totsize, free, usage. Version 1.02.
D_MASTER.ZIP 417,645 07-08-95 Dungeon Master - The Role Playing Judge'sAssistant. VX-REXX app rolls multi-faceteddice used in Dungeons & Dragons, etc.
E2FLT12.ZIP 10,868 07-26-95 This filter, v1.2, allows you to useext2-os2.ifs to read Linux ext2 filesystems,without having to edit the partition table.
E2FLTSRC.ZIP 32,967 07-26-95 Source code for EXT2FLT v1.2, a filter devicedriver that makes it possible to load IFS forlinux partitions.
EDITOR2.ZIP 39,259 06-11-95 Editor/2 Small PM Editor
EHTMLB9.ZIP 58,202 05-02-95 EHTML v.90 beta OS/2 PM HTML tag languageeditor.
EIDETE15.ZIP 125,488 08-31-95 EIDETEST detect flawed EIDE controller forDOS emulation under DESQview, Windows, OS/2or NT. Checks for the RZ-1000 and CMDPCIO640B EIDE PCI controller flaw by writingand reading a hard disk while simultaneous
I/O potentially interferes. C++ sourceincluded. Freeware from Roedy Green ofCanadian Mind Products. Includes RZ1000.TXTFAQ on the flaw, sometimes
EMXDEV.ZIP 958,113 12-04-94 files required for developing programs with e
EMXFIX05.ZIP 898,341 06-06-95 Fix Package 05 for emx 0.9a
ENTREPRE.ZIP 291,046 05-06-95 Entrepreneur is a real time strategy game bythe same person who designed GalacticCivilizations.
ENTRTN14.ZIP 434,496 08-16-95 Entertainment Pack for OS/2 - collection ofgames for OS/2 Warp Presentation Managerincluding Backgammon, Battleship, ConnectFour, Galaxy, Master Mind, Memory, Mine,Othello, Pac, Pegged, Store, TetraVex,
Tetris, Tic Tac Toe.
EPMGCC20.ZIP 33,581 08-14-95 EPM support for EMX 30 of 38
EPRO100.ZIP 26,181 08-09-95 Makefile maintenance utility for EMX 31 of 38
EUGEPTR.ZIP 8,737 07-30-95 This is a collection of pointers for Warp.
EULER321.ZIP 277,328 05-26-95 EULER for OS/2 PM. A numerical math program,handling real and complex numbers, vectorsand matrices, with 2D/3D graphics,programming language.
EULERNPI.ZIP 186,873 08-13-95 EULER n' PI - A set a programs to computedecimals of Pi and E. There is a DOS version,an OS/2 1.X (16bits) and an OS/2 Warp(32bits). Warp is of course twice as fast asDOS and OS/2 1.X since it uses 32 bits
register instead of 16 bits for DOS and OS/21.X.
EXT2_03A.ZIP 474,757 08-16-95 Linux ext2fs file system driver (IFS) for OS/Version 0.3 ALPHA For testing only AllowsOS/2 to access Linux native partitions asnormal drive letters. (replaces ext2_os2.zand ext2_02a.zip).
EXT2_FLT.ZIP 6,206 07-17-95 This filter allows you to use ext2-os2.ifs toread Linux ext2 filesystems, without havingto edit the partition table.
FB205B.ZIP 71,304 06-07-95 The latest Filebar 2.05 beta. No documentsuse at your own risk! It is a beta!
FBCRWARP.ZIP 4,087 05-20-95 Command file for generating boot disks whichwill allow the Symantec Fastback/2 crashrecovery to work with Warp.
FC2_131.ZIP 160,354 05-25-95 File Commander/2 v1.31, Norton Commander(TM)(DOS) clone for OS/2 Provides powerful filemanagement functions, program launch, textviewing and editing facilities in 32 bit OS/2text mode.
FILEB205.ZIP 233,415 06-24-95 FileBar 2.05 - Is OS/2 Warp too slow? Thenyou need this GREAT utility for OS/2. This isan application launch bar and shellreplacement for OS/2. Uses MUCH less memorythan IBM's WPS and gives precious memory back
to your applications. Great for 4 or 8 MBsystems which, along with passwordingfeatures, make it ideal for networkenvironments! ALL NEW VERSION!
FINDIT3.ZIP 438,647 06-23-95 FINDIT3.ZIP - Version 3.0 of Find-it. A fastfile finder for OS/2. Features include: Drag'n' Drop Support, Full wild card support,Multiple drive searches, Automatic driveselection, VIEW/EDIT DOC & TXT type files,
Total files found indicator, Single ormultiple DELETING of files, Step indicatorlights. DEL-TREE type deletion function.
FIT30.ZIP 46,267 08-02-95 FIT 3.0: Intelligent Disk->Diskette file copyMultitasking, 32-bit, Many options
FJ657E.ZIP 388,316 05-10-95 32 Bit File manager and editor. Directoryshell for OS/2 (DOS support optional).Supports long file names and even has thecapability to split files for floppies.Features include: syntax coloring, function
key assignment, file viewer, auto view andmore
FLCP211.ZIP 129,932 05-03-95 Floppy-Copy v2.11 Diskcopy Program for IBMand Mac disks.
FLEET111.ZIP 962,581 08-28-95 FleetStreet 1.11 for OS/2 2.x/3.x PM is aflexible and powerful FTN message reader forSquish, *.MSG & JAM areas, multithreaded, 32bit, CUA'91, Rexx, drag'n'drop, highlyconfigurable, supports Squish, Fastecho,
IMail, GEcho, LoraBBS, FMAIL, english,german, swedish and italian version.
FM2_235.ZIP 1014,159 08-23-95 FM/2 v2.34 An OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bitfile/directory/ archive/etc. maintenancepackage with plenty of bells and whistles aSwiss army knife for OS/2.
FM2_UTIL.ZIP 274,494 07-11-95 FM/2 Utilities A collection of utilitiesdesigned for use with FM/2 (they can also beused without FM/2). FATOPT, HPFSOPT, QFORMAT,RENCASE, MOV, KILL/2 and more.
FMAIL81U.ZIP 358,695 05-04-95 Foremail V.080 - V.081 update. A OS/2 Warp3.0+ PM 32-bit Mailer for OS/2... Update from.80 to .81. Increases stability of Foresite.Fixes lockup problems.
FMCRDS26.ZIP 364,931 07-08-95 <<<<<<< 9 Card Games V 2.6 for OS/2 >>>>>>>>This is the suite of 9 solitaire card gamesdeveloped by Felix Maschek. - Now withseveral new variations! - English and Germanlanguage support! - PM-program for easy
FNTF12.ZIP 186,132 05-12-95 PM Font Viewer Utility (w/o VROBJDLL) V1.1
FOSS1B8.ZIP 498,218 07-12-95 FOSS/2 v1.0 Powerful but easy to use BBS forOS/2
FREETCP.ZIP 119,750 08-23-95 Use Warp's Internet Access Kit (Red/Blue box)
FTNSOUP1.ZIP 79,431 08-26-95 Ftnsoup is a mail packet tosser/scanner whichprovides a conversion between InternetSoup-style mail packets and Fidonet *.msgmessages.
FTPPM.ZIP 65,770 05-27-95 Fixes for FTPPM shipped with Warp.
G77BIN.ZIP 841,851 05-19-95 Fortran for EMX (GNU G77-0.5.14) 32 of 38
G77SRC.ZIP 817,506 08-09-95 Fortran for EMX (GNU G77-0.5.14) 33 of 38
GAMES21F.ZIP 22,979 06-04-95 Games v2.1f. Information on DOS settings forgames.
GASSRC.ZIP 337,097 11-07-94 patched GNU sources (gas 2.3) 20 of 38
GBU108.ZIP 73,107 06-18-95 Good, Bad, & Ugly hardware FAQ V1.08 Hardwarethat has been tested against OS/2. Someworks, some doesn't.
GCCSRC2.ZIP 1215,821 12-02-94 patched GNU sources (gcc 2.6.3, part 2) 18 of38
GCCSRC3.ZIP 322,364 12-02-94 patched GNU sources (gcc 2.6.3, part 3) 19 of38
GDB.ZIP 407,625 07-26-95 Game related Database/Icon Collection for OS/
GDBSRC2.ZIP 506,076 12-04-94 patched GNU sources (gdb 4.13, part 2) 22 of
GIFTRANS.ZIP 22,436 08-15-95 Convert GIF to GIF89a - supports transparentbackgrounds
GLIBPDOC.ZIP 119,021 07-26-95 INF File of the glib++ documentation (i.e.c++ iostreams etc.)
GNUDOC.ZIP 987,829 11-29-94 documentation for GNU programs (texinfosources) 13 of 38
GNUINFO.ZIP 203,966 11-26-94 GNU texinfo (includes info file browser) 14of 38
GNUPAT.ZIP 114,349 12-04-94 patches for GNU sources 15 of 38
GNUSRC.ZIP 419,045 11-27-94 patched GNU sources (ld, ar, nm, size, strip,objdump,info, termcap, GPPDEMID) 16 of 38
GNUVIEW.ZIP 26,925 12-04-94 gnudev.inf (gnudev.doc in OS/2 .inf format)12 of 38
GO2_11.ZIP 22,479 05-05-95 GO 2 v1.1. Directory changing applicationwhich allows you to very quickly move betweendirectories and even across disks.
GOBJCDEV.ZIP 554,481 12-02-94 additional files for GCC required forcompiling programs written in the Objective Clanguage 6 of 38
GOSERV23.ZIP 274,318 05-25-95 32bit Gopher Server V2.32 w/Rexx ctrl
GPPSRC.ZIP 851,212 08-06-95 patched sources of libg++ 2.6.1 26 of 38
HALOS2A.ZIP 322,142 05-17-95 Upgrade for the COMM program supplied withWARP. Will work with OS/2 2.x, also andsupplied as a demo. Order information in theHELP file.
HDSPACE.ZIP 70,220 08-15-95 V0.815 of HDSPACE.EXE now has a "MAP"function, and gives information about howmuch space you could save by converting a FATdrive to HPFS.
HED09.ZIP 35,355 07-11-95 HeD/2 0.9. A powerful hex editor for OS/2.
HKFAXP13.ZIP 108,169 05-07-95 HKFaxPbk v1.2 for OS/2 Creates and updatesthe FaxWorks phone book out of the IBM Worksaddress data base. Data can be exported andmerged. Can also generate general *.CSV filesfrom any dBase database. Nice utility for
FaxWorks and IBM Works user.
HPFSA02B.ZIP 165,995 04-10-95 HPFS-Access HPFS-Access is a TSR for mountingHPFS drives from DOS Fast! Read and write!Needs only 8KB DOS memory! Built-in cache!
HSTART05.ZIP 51,804 05-31-95 Alternative START command, version 5. Alsoworks from DOS session, bootdisk orimagefile. HWAIT allows synchronization ofsessions. New: simultaneous use from OS/2sessions.
HTMEPM98.ZIP 33,338 09-02-95 HTMEPM98.ZIP (HTML Extensions for EPM)Version 0.98 . Provides menu-driven HTMLediting abilities to the OS/2 EnhancedEditor. Supports FORMS. Includes most HTML2.0 tags. Versions for OS/2 Warp & 2.1 Now
with tables, shortcuts,...
HTMLEPM.ZIP 16,501 06-02-95 HTML extensions for epm v0.95.
HTMLG110.ZIP 141,732 08-04-95 HTMLGen - A HTML Script Generator V1.10.HTMLGen is a PM Screen that simplifies theprocess of generating a HTML Script.
HTMLWIZ.ZIP 741,043 09-06-95 (v1.32) HTML Wizard - OS/2 HTML Editor Makesediting HTML documents much easier byproviding a "Tagbar" that inserts appropriatetags around text. Has user-definable tags andsupports non-English characters. Previewing
with Web Explorer also supported.
HTPA_111.ZIP 108,472 07-24-95 (v1.11) HTTPACC - An OS/2 Program to read andreset the Access.LOG file that the OS2HTTPDNCSA Server writes out. Since my server wasup 24 hours a day I had no way of deleting
the ACCESS.LOG file. This program will resetthe log every night and print out stats. Someof the information that is display is: TotalBytes Send, Total Requests to the server,HTML Requests, Script requests, NON-HTMLrequests, Malformed requests.
HV22.ZIP 64,009 08-04-95 HyperView 2.2: an OS/2 file viewer withspecial features for isolating and extractinginformation from word processing, text, andZIP files. Automatically reads and recognizesAmi Pro, Clearlook, DeScribe, WordPerfect
(vers 5.x and 6.x), & WinWord (vers 1 - 6).New in 2.2: Support for Clearlook - TheCellular Word Processor.
HWIPB.ZIP 967,107 05-16-95 P-Book. PM Based Info Manager. Manages mostof your data such as addresses and contacts.
IAKTIME.ZIP 79,044 06-05-95 IAK Online Time Calculator.
IAKTIMES.ZIP 3,682 05-28-95 Display Slippm connection times from TCP.
IBM-FILE.ZIP 211,107 09-18-95 ASCII Version of files list available on theIBM Canada BBS Systems as of 15 Sept 1995
IBM-INF.ZIP 326,896 09-18-95 .INF Version of files list available on theIBM Canada BBS Systema as of 15 Setp 1995
IBMWW.ZIP 41,023 07-27-95 IBM OS/2 WebSite List
ICONE20B.ZIP 229,705 05-19-95 IconEase v2.0b. 32 bit PM app that allows youto efficiently collect, manage and use icons.
ICONT190.ZIP 138,725 05-10-95 Icontool v1.90. Manipulate with icons andobjects on your Warp Desktop. Can be used toquery objectsettings.
ILGDM221.ZIP 203,021 06-26-95 DirMaster is a powerful Directory Opusinspired filemanager for OS/2 PM. Fullyaware, with two dir windows/lists, more thainternal functions, user-configurable functisupport for 7 archivers, ZipStream supp
IMILEO14.ZIP 480,828 08-12-95 InfoMiles v1.4 for OS/2 PM- Communicationsusage and cost monitor.
INCPAM09.ZIP 28,901 05-07-95 Front-End for IBM PPP driver. Beta version 0.Will run after a mailer and control access to
INFOPM12.ZIP 373,133 07-27-95 infoPM System info & benchmark for os/2 WARPversion 1.1 with or without dive support
INFPM100.ZIP 180,675 07-25-95 infoPM System info & benchmark for os/2 WARPversion 1.00
INFRARED.ZIP 61,910 06-30-95 IBM Thinkpad OS/2 Warp Infrared device driversupport on 755CE, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CV,755CX, 755CS, 755CSE, 701C and 701CS.
INI2URLS.ZIP 5,879 06-09-95 Ini2URLs - Convert your WebExplorer beta 0525quicklist into URL objects!
IOPLEMX.ZIP 5,331 05-19-95 How to create an IOPL segment with emx+gcc.
IRC2306.ZIP 312,107 05-31-95 IRC II vers 3.06 OS/2 port of Unix ircii
IRCDEMO.ZIP 124,284 05-08-95 Gammatech PM Internet Relay Chat client.
ISDNPM11.ZIP 79,654 07-30-95 ISDNpm - to run IP over ISDN, usingX75/transparent, SLIP, SUN-PPP and X75/T70NLas protocols. You need ISDN-CAPI.DLL for yourISDN card and the IAKit or TCP/IP 2.0.
JVW10E.ZIP 746,224 08-27-95 (v1.0e Beta) JView - OS/2 Image UtilityFairly extensive image utility. PM basedviewer for most file formats (GIF, JPEG,...). Prints, paintbrush, distortions,filtering, color manipulations add text, ...
Currently no scanner support.
KILLFLDR.ZIP 24,179 05-30-95 Kill Folder. Closes all open folders on thedesktop.
KNWDSK13.ZIP 424,012 06-23-95 KNODISK3.ZIP - Version 1.3 of KNOW-DISK. ForOS/2, Knowdisk displays HD total, free, andused disk space. Along with sector andcluster info. Features Include: Automaticdrive selection (ALL available drives will
read into a spin button) Select ALL checkbox, byte to megabyte conversion check box,bar graphs of free and used disk space.KNOWDISK is FREE!
LANCEPTR.ZIP 4,806 08-27-95 Lance Pointer for OS/2
LESS291.ZIP 303,260 08-19-95 less v291 for OS/2 executables and patched soBack scrolling and screen colors/attributes sRequires OS/2 2.0 or higher and EMX 0.9a
LOTTO.ZIP 33,650 08-28-95 lotto_s.exe - Statically linked random integelotto_d.exe - Dynamically linked random integreadMe.txt - short (but long enough) descripFreeware for OS/2 command-line (c) Kjetil Kil
Comments to kjetil.kilhavn@fou.telenor.no
LR11F.ZIP 361,508 03-15-95 LinkRight 1.1F, patch to LinkRight 1.1, 1.1Dor 1.1E. Faster serial support plus minor bugfixes.
LRDEMO.ZIP 294,852 07-19-95 LinkRight v1.1G (Demo - restricted use) is afile transfer utility using serial andparallel port connections between computers.
LRLDEMO.ZIP 189,852 07-19-95 LinkRight for Lans (Demo - restricted use) isa file transfer utility using serial andparallel ports between computers, as well asNICs.
LSPW100.ZIP 283,152 08-13-95 KL-LSPW Version 1.00 OS/2 PM based utilityfor LAN Server environments that also usecc:MAIL. Allows you to have LAN passwordsreset automatically via messages sent to acc:MAIL ID.
LWPFTP11.ZIP 285,073 08-03-95 LWPFTP V1.1 - Lynn's WorkPlace File TransferProtocol LWPFTP is a new approach to FTPclient applications that is fully integratedwith the OS/2 Workplace Shell (WPS). Simplyconfigure an Ftp Folder to point to an FTP
site, open it up, and you're on your way!Browsing FTP sites has *never* been easier.
MAG8DEMO.ZIP 1161,823 05-10-95 MAGNUM BBS ver 8.07D2 DEMO for OS/2 2-node (1dialup + console) demo is fully functional(with some minor limitations). High-SpeedFile Xfer, 115.2 KBaud DTE, QWK Nets, Handles(Alias Names), RJE (bacground processing),
E-mail, LAN pipes (modemless logon), highlycustomizable, easy setup! MAGNUM BBS runsunder all versions of OS/2 including WARP!
MAKEIPF.ZIP 146,355 07-30-95 IPF builder.
MAKEURL.ZIP 2,546 06-04-95 This REXX script creates WEB Explorer URLobjects from the quicklist that is stored inthe explore.ini file. It creates a folder onthe desktop called URL's" and populates itwith all the quicklist entries. Warning: This
script only works with the beta v950525version of the Web Explorer or newer, as thisfeature does not exist on previous versions.
MAKMAN02.ZIP 144,250 07-14-95 MakMan/2 beta release - A pacman clone forOS/2 Optionally uses DIVE for screen outputRequires resolution 800x600 or better andmust be installed on a HPFS partition (orsome IFS that supports long filenames)
MANAGEIT.ZIP 271,292 07-20-95 MANAGEIT, an IBM Lan Server utility foradministering home directories.
MAVCL100.ZIP 153,841 08-27-95 Maverick Class Library (MAVCL) v1.00 MaverickClass Library is a set of C++ classe Generalpurpos application built upon CSET++ SOURCEcode and DLL is supplied. MAVCL has classes
for: - Date, string, numbers formatted entryfield - Date and numbers conversions to/fromformat - Presentation Manager PRINTER support- Regular expression support - directoryservices
MCBV9723.ZIP 413,115 09-06-95 SBC-Development's McD-CBV v.97.00.23 Theplanet! McD-CBV does it ALL! See Adpt_ID.Dizfor the full 79-char AdeptXBBS description.(req AdeptXBBS 1.0 or greater)
MDF145.ZIP 247,055 08-21-95 Complete software to produce and applypatches to your programs and data files. ForDOS, OS/2, Windows 95 and Windows NT. It alsoproduces self installing patches.
MEXLST05.ZIP 21,972 09-04-95 MEXLST05.ZIP 9-4-95 MEXLIST Version .5 Beta.BBS Lister for Maximus 3.0 written in MEX.Users can browse lists, enter new BBSs andsearch for area codes and BBS names. Sysopconfigurable.
MFIL130A.ZIP 241,719 09-09-95 MaxFile/2 v1.30 - A text based FILES.BBSmanager for OS/2. Written specifically withthe OS/2 sysop in mind. FILE_ID.DIZ import,archiver and viewer functions, all fileslist, nightly maintinance, and much much more!
MILLEOS2.ZIP 39,116 03-19-95 Mille Bournes for OS/2 v1.1
MM4EMX10.ZIP 461,472 08-09-95 MMPM/2 toolkit for EMX 34 of 38
MMINFO.ZIP 1333,138 06-02-95 Multimedia Programming Reference Guide from I
MNLSAM.ZIP 158,045 06-18-95 June 1,1995. OS/2 Warp Monthly Newsletter in
MNLTXT.ZIP 90,525 06-01-95 June 1,1995. OS/2 Warp Monthly Newsletter in
MRCODE10.ZIP 42,617 08-21-95 mrCode DES Encoder-Decoder for os/2 PMversion 1.0
MTWOS220.ZIP 74,038 05-05-95 MTWIN is a small OS/2 based prg. which lets yINI-Files and GRP-Files from the DOS commandljust place it in the login-script. !!!! NewVersion 2.00 !!!! - Create new section, addor modify key & val -
Delete,Comments,Uncomments keys and section -Global replace of strings supported -Supports PROGMAN.INI,SYSTEM.INI !!! - You canuse environment variables - Changeprogrammanager groups
NEWDRVR.ZIP 3,984 06-29-95 OS/2 2.x and WARP OEM list compatibility listchanges only from June - July issue. PCMTAB
NEWGRP14.ZIP 4,943 06-18-95 OS/2 REXX scripts to be used together withSOUPER (version 12) and YARN (0.83) or SOUPERand SOUP2SQ (1.0) to list new newsgroups andmake them available as a message in a special
newsgroup. Documentation can be found in theheader of the file.
NEWGRPS.ZIP 4,427 05-25-95 Retrieve new USENET groupnames in aSOUPER/YARN environment.
NEWHAND.ZIP 4,218 06-09-95 Substitute for standard mouse arrow pointers
NEWLIB.ZIP 90,262 05-11-95 Replacement library for gcc2/lib/static/c.lib
NEWSCN10.ZIP 38,230 09-02-95 Scan for archive integrity and viruses at onc
NSUITE2.ZIP 930,646 05-09-95 Great set of utilities for OS/2 Internet use
OBJST.ZIP 12,711 06-03-95 Use Dos and Win viewers with Web Explorer
OBJST11.ZIP 25,218 07-20-95 (v1.10) Objst: Start WPS program objects fromthe command line. Primarily useful forstarting Dos and Windows viewers from IBM'sWeb Explorer. Can also be used to passprograms arguments other than filename from
Web Explorer. Archive contains instructionsfor setup with Web Explorer.
OS2CAT10.ZIP 153,038 05-12-95 OS2CAT is a shareware 32bit OS/2 PM- programto catalog files on every media supported byOS/2. You can write comments for every fileand every disk in your catalog and search forany string.
OS2CFG11.ZIP 43,244 06-04-95 Version 11 of Rick Meigs' comprehensive OS/2
OS2CT.ZIP 886,236 03-27-95 Os2 toshiba t2150cds, t2155cds vidio drivers.
OS2C_103.ZIP 182,974 05-13-95 OS/2-Commander v1.03 - The final FileCommander for OS/2! OS/2-Commander is thefinal Norton Commander clone for OS/2. Itoffers an integrated archive-handling, betterHPFS-support, a user-definable menu, a
Tree-function, the most powerfulFIND-function you've ever seen and much more!Full 4DOS/4OS2 support, enhanced sysopfeatures, full network compatibility, WCDsupport and more great functions. Try it!
OS2MD5.ZIP 30,052 07-23-95 A reasonably fast decode of a MIME encodedinternet mail message.
OS2PNG01.ZIP 77,703 08-25-95 Convert proprietary GIF (UniSys patented -Graphics Interchange Format) files to freePNG (Portable Network Graphics) format. Youwill also need zlib.dll, currently inOS2ZL093.ZIP.
OS2WOOD.ZIP 63,238 09-02-95 BMP of OS/2 logo in woodgrain, suitable fordesktop.
OS2WWW18.ZIP 384,875 07-25-95 (v1.8) OS2WWW - "THE POWER SERVER" An OS/2port of the NCSA 1.3 HTTP server for WorldWide Web services on the Internet.Performance is typically 350% faster thanexisting OS/2 HTTP servers. Compliant with
forms and CGI 1.1 spec.
OS2ZL093.ZIP 48,758 08-25-95 zlib is a beta version of a general purposecompression library.
OS2_11OR.ZIP 429,223 05-17-95 OnScreen/2 Fileviewer v2.11 for OS/2, DOS &Win32. Loads OS/2, MAC & Unix text files,also supports binary files. Featuresredirected stdin, hex mode, bookmarks, syntaxhighlighting, styles etc.
OSC-226E.ZIP 486,826 09-14-95 VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc. Scans andcleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above. Version 226(9509)
OXCC1400.ZIP 1061,507 05-15-95 OXCC v1.400 <ASP> Multipass, interpreting Ccompiler with language extensions. Output inArchitecture Neutral Format (ANF). Sampleback end source code supplied. Produce 16bit, 32 bit, 64 bit, segmented and flat model
code for any target architecture andoperating system. Also, can regenerate sourceafter interpreting input.
P2DEMO21.ZIP 995,455 05-23-95 Preditor/2 v2.1 Demo. Provides extensivecustomization facilities and a C-likeextension language, emulates several othereditors and handles an unlimited number offile sizes, open files and line lengths.
PCII0895.ZIP 62,670 08-27-95 Patrick Duffy's information files on PCIhardware and OS/2. Aug. 1995 update.Motherboards, chips, ethernet, FAQ, IDE, SCSIand Video. Very informative for prospectivebuyers.
PCRUNW.ZIP 70,880 05-22-95 PCRUN, OS/2 WARP Launch Pad enhancement runsany executable file without first creating anobject. File selection is via a normaldirectory tree through the WARP drive object(faster). FREEWARE.
PDL_MAX1.ZIP 15,430 06-22-95 PDL_MAX v1.01. Private Download Program forMaximus. Any file on your system!! You justenter USER, and FILE to send. Optionalmessage, delete-after-download.
PIPDOS11.ZIP 29,573 07-23-95 PipeDOS v1.1 invisibly spawns a separatewindow for DOS utilities, piping stdin andstdout to the parent OS/2 window, and alsopasses errorlevels.
PIPEDOS.ZIP 25,558 06-21-95 PipeDOS is a simple DOS command executer forOS/2 that enables you to seemlessly run DOSpgms in an OS/2 window by Scott Maxwell
PJ19409.ZIP 86,080 08-30-95 RZ1000 and CMD640 Data Problems - APAR -PJ19409
PL212SML.ZIP 282,039 05-28-95 Planets v2.12. The planetary clock! Displaysdate, day of the week and system info.
PLAYBY11.ZIP 36,891 05-22-95 Playboy v1.1 graphical cd player for os/2.
PLOGO100.ZIP 651,007 04-26-95 PrepLogo vq.o. Create your own logos forbootup.
PMCPU090.ZIP 22,629 07-29-95 PMCPU version 0.90 A CPU monitor/metersimilar to PULSE.EXE This program is for OS/2ver 2.0 and up
PMCRON01.ZIP 313,521 08-05-95 Cron, Version 1.13, PM application for taskscheduling.
PMEQV01.ZIP 243,755 07-17-95 PM_EQUATOR v0.1 Number puzzles for OS/2-PM.Generates various types of equators, allowsto solve them interactivly with the mouse.Various differen skill levels can beselected. Two different playing/scoring
modes. Keeps track of highscores, fastestsolutions.
PMKEY04.ZIP 117,617 08-27-95 PM Key v0.04. Freeware hotkey program for OS/2.X version, can detect keys from OS/2FULLSCREEN sessions too.
PMMAIL11.ZIP 192,132 05-04-95 POP mail program v1.1. Better thanUltimail/2. Requires TCP/IP and Warp.
PMPGP13.ZIP 402,422 06-10-95 pmPGP 1.3 is a powerful and easy to use OS/2PM shell for PGP. pmPGP supports encryption,decryption and digital signatures. Shows keysignatures in a tree view. Communicates withevery application or the Workplace via
Dra&Drop of files and clipboard. Maintains ahistory of processing. You will need an OS/2port of PGP to be able to use pmPGP.
PMPN111A.ZIP 447,396 09-06-95 PM PostNotes is a "PostIt" (c) note utilityfor OS/2. It includes: o small PIM w/graphical time-usage o true digital clock /calendar o hour/quarter/half-hour chiming ohour tolling
PMPOPUP2.ZIP 25,842 09-01-95 A configurable PM dialog box that returnserrorlevels for batch handling.
PMPROGED.ZIP 97,863 05-29-95 A very neat little PM based editor ideal for
PMRINTF.ZIP 10,606 07-31-95 PMRINTF.EXE is a debugging aid that allowsfor using printf (C), writeln (PASCAL), write(FORTRAN) statements from ANY PM program.
PMSX053.ZIP 791,651 07-25-95 PMsndX - OS/2 PM based program to convertsounds between different formats and providetools for special effects, editing, andplaying of samples stored in memory.
PMTEX22I.ZIP 55,500 07-06-93 PM-TEX: A TeX-Shell for OS/2Presentation-Manager.
PMUND141.ZIP 83,280 07-13-95 OS/2 PM Quick Recovery of Deleted Files
PMVIEW91.ZIP 556,080 05-14-95 PM-View v. 0.91. Outstanding MultiFormat Imag
POP3D14B.ZIP 105,552 08-20-95 (v1.40) pop3d is POP3 server for OS/2. Ituses IBM's TCP/IP v1.2.1. pop3d allowsworkstation to retrieve mail according to RFC1725. This package includes utilitymailsrt.exe which works with sendmail and
sorts incoming messages into user'sdirectories. Demonstration verion supports 5users only.
POST2U10.ZIP 123,809 06-29-95 Ecee Software presents PostToYou/2 v1.0. AnOS/2 program which provides yellow stickynotes to litter your screen with reminders;notes can have alarms and also repeatingalarms with factors of minutes, hours or
days; notes can be stationary, hidden orfloating, and different sizes.
PPDIAL26.ZIP 33,473 08-28-95 VERSION 2.6 OF PPPDIAL.CMD An OS/2 WarpPPP/SLIP Dialer script. Supports redialingwhen busy etc, multiple phone number support,post-connection response file. Supportscall-back systems. Requires OS/2 REXX.
PRCR10.ZIP 12,385 06-05-95 Program Creator is a small REXX-program thatcreates a program object on the desktop fromany program file giving it the programs namewithout the path and extension. for OS/2
PRMAINT1.ZIP 523,566 05-02-95 Post Road Mailer Maintenance Release 1
PS2AST1.ZIP 1219,675 06-06-95 IBM PS2 Assistant 106th ed. 6/6/95 (1 of 2)
PS2AST2.ZIP 1275,364 06-06-95 IBM PS2 Assistant 106th ed. 6/6/95 (2 of 2)
PSTRD102.ZIP 774,697 06-06-95 Post Road Mailer Demo and Maintenance Release
PSYCHO.ZIP 14,812 07-13-95 Some psychedelic icons - very colourful.
QBSLICE.ZIP 27,580 05-24-95 Simple demonstration of how to give up timeslices to OS/2 Warp from MS QuickBasic.
QFB102.ZIP 30,242 07-02-95 QFB 1.02 Quick File Base Builder. OS/2 32 bitversion. Fixes a bug that caused some dupesnot to be removed from the UniFiles.Idx.
QHTML035.ZIP 478,796 06-20-95 QadHTML 0.35 - HTML editor for OS/2 Thiseditor is to help you tag your file. It has atoolbar and pop-up menus depending o yourpreferences. There is also a button topreview your output with the WebExplorer.
RACEDIVE.ZIP 115,542 08-28-95 DIVERACE an OS/2 Game Programming Example Alittle 3D Car-Driving game utilizing DIVE,Real-Time soundmixing, Joystick- support andPalette-Management. Written in Virtual PASCAL
with full sourcecode. Version 0.1 (very beta;-)
RAR155P.ZIP 185,909 08-20-95 The RAR archiver v1.55 for OS/2 (release)integrated archive manager - full screeninterface / command-line driven - high speedand tight compression - management of non-RARarchives - volumes, SFX volumes and SFX
archives - Common and Installation SFX forDOS - "solid" archives, Ultra tight,updatable - OS/2 extended attributes support
RC210.ZIP 7,830 04-24-95 REXXCC v2.10. Tiny REXX "compiler"."Compiles" REXX programs by substituting thesource code with any text.
RCS567X.ZIP 1492,434 05-01-95 rcs revision control system (executab
READFIX6.ZIP 12,826 06-01-95 Readme files from Warp Fixpack #6
REMDU1_2.ZIP 96,288 04-23-95 Ecee Software presents RemindYou/2 version1.2 A convenient little startup program forOS/2 with optional alarm to remind you of upand coming events. You enter your event text,reminder notice range, one time or annual.
You won't forget your wife's birth day oryour anniversary with RemindYou/2 from EceeSoftware.
REMOR105.ZIP 199,049 09-01-95 Inspire REMORA v1.05 - The Ultimate EventReminder, Calendar, and Program Scheduler forOS/2 WARP. Features PM interface, many eventreminder and period types, automatic warningof events on bootup(or manually), advance
warning, a useful calendar display, and muchmore!
REXYN.ZIP 22,188 05-08-95 Scans rexx programs for syntax errors.
RMFILES.ZIP 126,745 10-25-94 RESOURCE.SYS provides a set of C-callableservices to other device drivers to recordusage of basic hardware resources.
RSXWDK1.ZIP 199,246 02-09-94 RSX/Windows toolkit 35 of 38
RSXWIN2A.ZIP 60,112 02-20-94 RSX/Windows extender for EMX 36 of 38
RXBAS203.ZIP 441,926 08-02-95 RexxBase - The Database For REXX V2.03.RexxBase is a Rexx External Interface DLLthat allows OS/2 V2.x command procedures toaccess dBase III and IV files. Rexx programscan control files by reading, writing and
updating data fields directly. RexxBasegenerates dBase field names and values thatare available directly to a Rexx program. TheRexx program can change this data and updatedBase files directly.
RXIDENTD.ZIP 2,354 06-05-95 A *very* basic identd program
RXIPC.ZIP 43,096 06-24-95 REX IPC library.
RXT254.ZIP 48,611 04-28-95 Template for rexx programs.
S3_16M.ZIP 1395,502 08-04-95 IBM OS/2 2.x/3.0 Video driver for 86C801,86C805, and 86C928 chipsets from S3.
SAFPAK21.ZIP 69,950 04-26-95 SAFEPACK v2.1 Disk Defragmenter Apr 95 <ASP>Data on the disk should be immune tointerruptions from any cause duringdefragmentation. Files and directories may besorted into almost any order, and many other
optimizations are possible. All free diskspace is left as a single area so a largeWindows swap file may be created. May be runin unattended mode. OS/2 supported
SCASE.ZIP 1631,422 05-07-95 S-CASE for OS/2 demo, version 2.04
SCHED10.ZIP 4,018 07-29-95 Sched 1.0 - Sched is a simple REXX programthat launches programs at specified times onspecified days. Nothing more, nothing less.
SCHED225.ZIP 46,323 08-23-95 Schedule-IT! Version 2.25 OS/2 PM based EventLauncher. Schedule any OS/2, DOS or Windowsprograms for any time any and day(s). Canalso be used to launch programs in real time!
SCOTT003.ZIP 379,547 09-05-95 scott003.zip is an interactive web browserhome page of 14,760 alphabetized web sites in95 different categories.
SCRCRD60.ZIP 124,538 08-19-95 Allows a golfer to track their golf outings.For use with OS/2 warp.
SEAHAV23.ZIP 232,426 07-23-95 SeaHaven Towers for OS/2 v2.3 is a solitairecard game.
SIO153.ZIP 201,168 08-16-95 Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS/2, V1.45a.SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements of theOS2 communications drivers COM.SYS andVCOM.SYS which come with OS/2. VX00.SYSprovides FOSSIL and virtual 16550 support for
DOS programs SIO can be ordered to supportingany number of ports. Vmodem now has bothinbound and outbound Telnet.
SK2050.ZIP 201,729 05-15-95 Sokoban v0.50.
SLIPMSG.ZIP 3,127 06-03-95 Replacement slipmsg.exe for that shipped in I
SLURP108.ZIP 125,969 09-09-95 Slurp is an advanced passive NNTP client. Itwill connect to a remote NNTP server andretrieve articles from Usenet conferences.
SMALED09.ZIP 150,768 08-19-95 Smalled 0.9 is a PM (system) Editor FeaturesMultithreading, Buttonbar, Drag-n-drop, ATMfonts, WYSIWYG printing, EA support,Presentation Parameter support, etc.
SMTPSRV.ZIP 66,211 06-01-95 (v1.0) smtpd is SMTP server for OS/2. It usesIBM's TCP/IP v1.2.1. smtpd allows to use OS/2workstation as a multi-user system. Itreceives mail according to RFC 821 and sortsincoming messages into user's directories.
This package includes utility smtpdc.exewhich works with inetd. Demonstration versionis FREEWARE, but supports 5 users only.
SOLITU.ZIP 81,319 05-16-95 Solitude v1.01 1-player "thinking" game
SOLTD101.ZIP 81,319 05-16-95 Solitude v1.01. Game similar in principle tosolitaire played with cards, except that ituses 48 "tiles" depicting the 12 months ofthe year (4 of each month).
SONDBLST.ZIP 2,825 05-27-95 Soundblaster setup tips for Warp. A must readfor newbies!
SOUPER13.ZIP 76,706 06-16-95 Souper v1.3 is a program that transfers mailand news from a POP3 mail server and NNTPnews server respectively to SOUP packets.
SPCWATC2.ZIP 64,160 05-01-95 Space Watch v1.2. Lan disk monitoring utility.
SPECT1_1.ZIP 132,826 05-11-95 Spectator version 1.1. Status bar for OS/2.
SPEEDOS2.ZIP 1072,537 06-07-95 Fully functional demo of Speedpascal/2.
SPMAPOS2.ZIP 372,680 06-05-95 SpaceMap for OS/2 demo. v 1.11, helps cleanup files that are not often used and otherfile management tools
SQAV194E.ZIP 86,215 05-01-95 SQAVERW, 32 Bit OS/2 Areamanager for Squish.
SSAVER24.ZIP 495,366 08-20-95 ScreenSaver 2.4 is an easy-to-use 32-bitscreen saver for OS/2 with lockup protection,DPMS monitor support, DOS and Win-OS/2fullscreen support, module building toolkit,more than 50 modules included.
SSAVER_N.ZIP 7,532 06-22-95 Maze 1.1 A new Module for the famous ScreenSaver "Screen Saver 2.3". Only tested withversion >=2.2 . New: - EMX-Version. Shouldwork, if ScreenSaver does. - Minor Bug-Fixes
ST101.ZIP 13,317 08-21-95 ScanText 1.01 is a program that counts thenumber of lines in a file or directory inwhich there are occurences of a single wordor a string of words.
STICKY2_.ZIP 69,517 07-25-95 (v1.02) STICKY/2 - An OS/2 Program to sendSticky notes across a TCP/IP network. Usefulfor interoffice messaging, and interFriendmessaging. Allows for up to 2K of a message,and 1500 names in your list. All suggestions
and enhancements will be considered! Version1.02 fixes - If autoreply is incomplete atrap error would occur Version 1.01 adds -Double click on minimized icon to bring upsend screen - Reverse lookup of IP addresses
STORE10.ZIP 35,752 08-11-95 Entertainment Pack for OS/2 - collection ofgames for OS/2 Warp Presentation Managerincluding Backgammon, Battleship, ConnectFour, Galaxy, Master Mind, Mine, Othello,Pac, Pegged, Store, TetraVex, Tetris, Tic TacToe.
STUBS.ZIP 3,952 08-04-95 STUBS.CMD allows you to automate your use oftemplates ("stubs").
SUBDIR.ZIP 41,722 06-02-95 SUBDIR is a directory and file name listingprogram. It shows all files including HIDDENand SYSTEM files.
SUPERGC.ZIP 117,187 05-07-95 Super Galciv challenge! You are the leader ofthe OS/2 civilization. You must survive in agalaxy populated by Windows95, WindowsNT,NextStep, Macintosh, and Linux.
SVD117.ZIP 126,516 05-28-95 Super Virtual Disk driver V1.17 for OS/2 2.1+SVDisk provides a swappable/lockable/removablvirtual disk or virtual floppy using OS/2'sadvanced memory management facility. Virtual
disk can be anything from 16KB to 16MB, andvirtual floppy supports 360KB to 2.88MBdevices, including XDF device for managingXDF diskette images in OS/2 Warp Version 3.Virtual floppy device can be dynamically
reconfigured. You can even create multiple
SVGAKT18.ZIP 46,271 02-10-95 SVGA library for EMX-0.9a 37 of 38
SW2EHELP.ZIP 243,841 06-04-95 Help files for Star Writer/2 translated.
SWORDPTR.ZIP 4,963 08-28-95 Sword Pointer for OS/2
TABLCA11.ZIP 125,375 05-12-95 Tablica/2 1.1 - Periodic Table of theElements: native OS/2 application withpoint-and-click interface. Contains allessential data on 106 chemical elements fromatomic weight to thermal conducti- -vity.
Indispensable reference tool for high schooland college students.
TRAP.ZIP 8,073 08-03-95 Practical joke for unsuspecting users.Presents a very heart-sinking "Trap" screen.
TSD050.ZIP 14,172 04-04-95 TSD allows you to find the definition offunction or global variable from varioussource files.
TSENGW32.ZIP 1,273 09-17-95 TSENGW32 test file with instructions andfilelist. W32 W32I W3 Warp 2.11
TSKBR251.ZIP 234,270 05-11-95 Taskbar for OS/2 v2.51 : Allows quickswitching among multiple running apps.Current running apps are listed in a popupbutton bar that is activated by moving themouse cursor to a user selectable edge of the
screen. Also has a hotkey facility similar tothe Windows Alt-Tab feature.
TVOS200.ZIP 230,054 05-17-95 Alpha of Turbo Vision.
TYMSTAMP.ZIP 425,104 06-23-95 TYMSTAMP.ZIP - Version 1.0 for OS/2.Tym-stamp allows a user to change the dateand time stamp on files. Features include:Full path displays, drag 'n' drop andwild-card support. TYM-STAMP is Free!
UCHESS17.ZIP 180,806 07-03-95 UCHESS v 1.17GA: Chess for OS/2
UNIXCDR.ZIP 2,699 08-13-95 Text file - how to use a unix CD-ROM with OS/
UNZIP512.ZIP 405,923 08-04-95 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12: generic C sources
UTLPAK15.ZIP 106,061 05-14-95 Includes 7 utilities from Sheppard Software:DiskSpace (DSKSPC.ZIP) Calendar (CALNDR.ZIP),Calculator (CLCLTR.ZIP), Bitmap Viewer(BMPVIW.ZIP),Compare (CMPARE.ZIP), FontView(FNTVIW.ZIP) and StringSearch (STRSCH.ZIP).
All are written in VX-REXX 2.1; requiresVROBJ.DLL which is included in UTLPAR.ZIP butnot in UTLPAK.ZIP.
UZPSHL12.ZIP 73,877 06-18-95 =The Unzip Shell - OS/2 PM Application=Expertly crafted PM front end for ZIP files.Stand alone! Works with ZIP files as ofPKZIP(tm) v2.04 and other Zip utilities.Allows viewing of files before unzipping
(registered version uses Object Associationto activate the proper application forviewing). WPS aware.
VC2V1B1.ZIP 267,090 05-09-95 Voicechat/2 v0.7. Internet voicecommunications.
VESA18.ZIP 76,796 02-10-95 VESA interface for EMX, used by SVGAKT18 38of 38
VIBRA16.ZIP 36,394 05-18-95 V16D-OS2-01-ENG NEW!!! Sound Blaster WithVibra 16 Chip Driver for OS/2 version2.1/2.11/3.0 Warp Refer to README file formore information
VROBJ21C.ZIP 399,925 06-06-95 VROBJ.DLL version 2.1c
VW32S.ZIP 7,564 06-21-95 Fix WIN32S ERROR "UNHANDLED EXCEPTION0XC0000005". .Fix for APARs PJ16036 (Warp forWindows) and PJ17375 (Warp with WINOS2)WIN32S problems. See README.1ST for APARdetail and install instructions.
WARMDOCK.ZIP 355,392 06-30-95 OS/2 WARP Docking support for IBM Thinkpad755CE, 755CSE, 755CD, 755CV, 755CDV, 755CXand Dock II docking station. Basicwarm-swapping and hot-swapping support.
WARPF.ZIP 91,439 06-04-95 WarpFlash Issues 3-10 and 15. Weekly updateon the world of OS/2 and LAN servers.
WARPSPEC.ZIP 4,748 05-28-95 Highlights of OS/2 Warp Connect: The totallycool way to run and network your computer.
WARPTAPE.ZIP 5,257 02-16-95 Rxbakeas.cmd and rxreseas.cmd, allow you tobackup extended attributes from WARP drivepartitions with your DOS backup tape software.
WATS01.ZIP 103,637 06-11-95 What's on TV. Formats daily TV listings obtai
WPLIST.ZIP 51,621 06-27-95 Lists all the Workplace Shell classes alongwith the DLL that in actuality composes thatclass.
WPSBK401.ZIP 322,847 06-24-95 Workplace Shell Backup Utility v4.01 for OS/2.
WPSEC104.ZIP 80,857 04-28-95 Workplace Security for OS/2 Warp providesseamless object level security to passwordprotect access to Workplace Shell objects.Copyright 1995 Maple Valley Software
WPSFW140.ZIP 585,785 05-04-95 Workplace Shell for Windows v. 1.40. WPS-likereplacement for the Windows or WIN-OS/2program manager.
WPSFWFIX.ZIP 2,583 05-08-95 Fix for WPSfW140.ZIP (required for it to run)
WPTOOL16.ZIP 201,978 05-10-95 WPTool v1.6. CheckINI, ReplINI, ResetWPS,WPSBkp, WPSRest. Backups launchpads. IncludesWPTOOLS.DLL that can be used from REXX toquery launchpads settings.
WRPCFG01.ZIP 11,848 05-25-95 Utility to speed up the boot process.
WSETUP14.ZIP 21,399 08-24-95 WIN Setup is an alternate install program forMicrosoft Windows 3.1. This setup program,however, will run in a VDM, which allows endusers to install Windows on HPFS drives.
WWED029B.ZIP 159,255 07-27-95 OS/2 Text Mode editor with Color SyntaxHighlighting for C/C++, REXX, HTML, IPF PERL.Supports multiple files loaded, multiplewindows, configurable keyboard bindings andmenus, Line/Stream/Column blocks, regular
expressions, mouse support, undo/redo andbackground compiler execution. Version 0.29
WXFAQ05.ZIP 30,389 08-31-95 wxfaq05.zip IBM WebExplorer FAQ List Release05 - INF format.
XDEL_NEW.ZIP 27,611 07-31-95 XDEL - an enhanced DEL command for OS/2.
XR0P016.ZIP 1,274 09-25-95 XR0P016 text file with isntructions, APARs,and filelist. PJ17864 2.11 OMNI FIXPAK PRINTER
XYPLOT3C.ZIP 227,402 08-12-95 XYPlot for OS/2. German docs.
YAOS099.ZIP 78,336 04-18-95 Yet Another OS/2 Shell (features filenamecompletion).
YAP.ZIP 63,591 06-27-95 Yap displays currently running OS/2 processesand a host of information about them.
YARNDIAL.ZIP 6,836 06-11-95 OS/2 REXX dialing script to automate use of Y
YRN2_084.ZIP 409,550 06-24-95 PC Yarn v0.84 beta release. Suite of programsused to store and read USENET news and mailoffline. Imports articles from SOUP filesinto a news database.
ZIPCT225.ZIP 516,362 08-23-95 RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.2.5 <ASP> - Easy OS/2PM "point and click" interface to UNZIP32.EXEand ZIP.EXE. Many features. Zip Control is aneasy to use OS/2 PM program which shields you
from the command line when using the freewareZIP.EXE & UNZIP32.EXE. Zip & UnZip arecompatible with ZIP files created by the DOSPkZIP Program (1.x, 2.x) and are available onmany BBSs which have OS/2 libraries, the IBMNSC BBS, and CompuServe.
ZIPDEL.ZIP 4,533 07-31-95 REXX script to delete files unpacked from a.zip archive
ZIPSCSI.ZIP 277,221 05-08-95 OS/2 drivers for IOMega's new zip drive
ZOC2096B.ZIP 601,532 08-23-95 ZOC V2.096b New beta version of ZOC featuringTELNET, NPIPE and ISDN support. This beta ispublic!
ZTB130.ZIP 158,010 08-01-95 ZTreeBold v1.30: OS/2 32bit text-mode cloneof XTreeGold. With full archiving support,and handling of EAs and HPFS.